The Ontario Electricity Sector Decoded
The Ontario Electricity Sector Decoded avatar

Welcome to Life by Numbers!

This blog is intended to inform and educate readers about the electricity sector in Ontario. It is pretty obvious from what I see in social media that it isn’t well understood.

My motivation for starting this blog is the spin that politicians and social media have put on the industry in Ontario.

The focus of the articles will be subjects impacting ratepayers, and specifically residential electricity users.

You will find articles that describe what the industry costs are and how they break out to the various players in the business.

Every day there are 10’s of thousands of dedicated people who ensure customers have the electricity that they need 99.95% of the time.

Seldom does anyone acknowledge the technical achievement in providing electricity to consumers across the province. It is difficult to comprehend all of the considerations that must be accommodated without years of specialized training. On the days that we have catastrophic weather conditions and the lights go out, please give a thought to those that work tirelessly to restore your service. Some of them have given their lives in the performance of their duties.

The information presented here will be based on publicly available information from reputable sources referenced throughout. It will be a top-down look at the industry with an attempt to address some common misconceptions.

I hope you will find it informative.

Knowledge is power. Read on and empower yourself.


Author: Derek Hughes