About me…

Who Am I?

Derek Hughes

I am a retired Engineer and former electricity sector insider with more than 35 years experience in the industry.

I have lived in Ontario all my life and care deeply about the things that impact our quality of life.

Why Blog?

With the prevalence of social media these days there is plenty of chatter on every subject imaginable. Unfortunately it can be difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction amidst all of the noise. As I have followed many subjects out of personal interest it has become very apparent that the Electricity Sector in Ontario is not well understood and has been the subject of much hostility over the last decade.

Any attempt to share relevant factual information in social media is quickly criticized and sidetracked into political rants sprinkled with inaccurate information. Media reports by some journalists produce data without context making it difficult for readers to interpret the subject’s relevance to their lives.

Hence, the Blog.

A Blog provides an opportunity to present information to an audience without all of the noise from individuals with little knowledge or value to add.

If you take issue with it or do not find it relevant, feel free to seek information elsewhere.

It will not hurt my feelings…

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